Thursday, February 27, 2020

Situation Audit & TimeLine for UNILEVER FOOD SOLUTION Essay

Situation Audit & TimeLine for UNILEVER FOOD SOLUTION - Essay Example uilar (1967) was the first academician to discuss business analysis through a tool he called ETPS (Economic, Technological, Political and Social factors). According to him these external environmental factor influenced business decisions. From then onwards this has changed names to PEST, PESTEL etc and used extensively as an external analytical tool. (Aguilar 1967). Politically conditions and policies for companies dealing with food, even pre-cooked food are favourable and there are few barriers posed except for stringent health concerns. Therefore worldwide there is acceptance for Unilever foods. The economic factors are favourable too as with globalization of trade and industry more work is being created and incomes, specially of the middle class that consumes most of the pre-cooked foods, is rising. This is creating new markets for such products. Speaking of social factors it must be said that with the advent of industrial and trading activity, people of all classes, from executives to workers, are more actively engaged with work and have less time for cooking at home. This makes pre-cooked food a preferred item for its ease and ready to serve capability and is also less expensive than eating out. According to van Wylick (2007, pg. 1), Porters Five Forces model represents an ideal situational analysis of an industry. The central force is competitive rivalry that exists within the given industry. The other four forces that Unilever must deal with are the bargaining power of suppliers, the bargaining power of customers, the threat of new entrants, and the threat of substitute products. In this time of economic turmoil, suppliers can have quite a bit of bargaining power over Unilever. A good supply chain can offset this problem. The bargaining power of customers is also strong in this unstable economy and drives the pricing of the products. The threat of new entrants is unlikely since the market is fairly saturated and the economy does not favor new

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

World economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

World economy - Essay Example And then, it might prove effective for the organization to present varied types of inventive products as per the requirements of the customers thereby amplifying the brand image and productivity of the organization in the market among other rival players. Moreover, in order to enhance the level of reliability and loyalty of the customers over a brand, customer retention is also extremely essential. It might prove effective in enhancing the brand value of the organization thereby amplifying its level of competitiveness to a certain extent in the future age among other players. Globalization is described as the process to move towards a more integrated and inter-reliant economy. This is mainly due to certain key environmental factors such as competitiveness, market trends, technology, political and economic scenario. Competitiveness- it is denoted as another vital environmental driver that offered significant impacts over the profitability of the organizations operating in diverse segments. Therefore, in order to cope up with such challenges, maximum extent of the organizations decided to offer varied types of inventive products to retain its brand image and customer base for longer period of time. Economic downturn- it is also another factor that offered a negative impact over the functions and operations of the organizations. As a result, in order to survive, most of the organization implemented the strategy of presenting value-added products at lowest possible price. So that, it might be used by the individual of varying age groups, religions, living standards and life style. Only then, the level of turnover and profitability of the organization might get enhanced with a significant extent in the future era as well. Thus, from the above paragraph, it might be analyzed that globalization makes nation-states more inter-dependent over one –another, i.e. more integrated into a global economy (World Trade Organization, 2008). Technology- introduction of varied